Squirtle: A laidback and easygoing Pokemon, Squirtle is the starter for a Saito whose family never moved from the Kanto region.While not wanting to default to violence, she absolutely will if the situation calls for it. But, in that latter part she tends to get a little overenthusiastic, leading to her putting her nose into places where she really shouldn't. If someone has an issue, they can trust Nidoran to sit down and talk to them about it. Nidoran (Girl): A very calm and peaceful Pokemon, Nidoran serves as a peacekeeper/mother hen of Louise's team.Then, during the Electric Gym, he evolved into a Gyarados, and soloed Surge's entire team. He wouldn't win, but he'd refuse to stop until he physically was no longer able to. Even as a Magikarp, he would pick fights. This ultimately resulted in Magikarp wanting to prove himself to Louise, which then led to him becoming infected by Louise's aggressive personality. Even when others tried to convince her of Magikarp's lack of worth, Louise only doubled down, stating that while others had given up on her, Louise would refuse to do that to a Pokemon under her care. Unlike everyone else, Louise openly and enthusiastically believed in Magikarp (in part due to her lack of knowledge about Pokemon in general at this time). After a lifetime of life itself and others beating down on Magikarp, he grew to believe that too, then he met Louise. Magikarp: The first Pokemon that Louise caught in the Kanto region while fishing in Pallet Town, Magikarp was initially seen as any other Magikarp.Priding herself on being Louise's first Pokemon, Charmander, even as a Charizard, tends to get jealous whenever Louise pays attention to another Pokemon and became quite standoffish, but eventually grew to find the rest of Louise's team as genuine friends and family she would do anything for. But, at the end of the day, Charmander is a very loyal Pokemon to Louise, eager to help accomplish her goal of becoming Pokemon Champion. This tends to get her into trouble more often than not, which isn't helped by her steadfast confidence in herself that borders on arrogance. Charmander: A hotblooded Pokemon eager to prove herself, Chamander is a very energetic Pokemon who doesn't want to stay in one place for very long.Going in order of generation released and trying to avoid duplicates wherever possible: For Louise, it would be French/Norse, for Saito it would be Japanese. Not going to bother with nicknames, just know that there would be nicknames that would pertain to their respective cultures.
#Magikarp jump slacker magikarp full
Many of them we have full teams for, but as Louise doesn't have her full team yet in Kalos I don't want to get ahead if that makes any sense. I'm just going to focus on the first three Pokemon that we felt that Louise and Saito would catch in those potential regions.